Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Clair de Lune

I took you for my clair de lune,
Just like the meaning of your name I thought it was a boon

I never believed in humans so I took you for something else,
Now, you are just a figment of my imagination, my melancholy tells

Sweared that I will always be by your side,
Instead of the truth it was just another lie

I still remember losing myself when I looked in your eyes,
We promised each other a lot of things and then there were denies

Remember the nightmare in which I killed everyone I am familiar to,
You weren’t one of them or were you too?

Every time I let you down, I sigh,
You were wrong, I was right, I am not a good guy

You forgot that I do what I do,
I never listened to anyone, all of it was just to make one of my dreams come true

Neither of us ever said that we are sorry,
Sad but that is the end of the story.

Watch the video in the link given below-

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Destruction is a form of creation

Like in the novel “the destructors” by Graham Greene, the kids broke into the house and found a huge amount of money but they burned it which clearly signifies that they weren’t interested in money. Them burning the money signifies that they were different from everyone, they wanted to change the world so instead of doing what anyone might had done they destroyed it to see what happens when the sky opens up and the world falls apart. Many of us might take this act as an unwise or outrageous feat but some (including me) think that they are believers and hold the competence to make decisions which are not a cup of tea for anyone, it takes guts to walk on paths on which no one has ever walked. They are one of those who believe that “destruction is a form of creation”. Inspired by the novel, it became inevitable for me not to destruct something close to me. I had to do it to know how it feels. I am big fan of “Emma Stone”, so I made a sketch of her about two months ago which took me about four-five hours. Most of my friends didn’t recognize her by my sketch but I didn’t mind at all as I wanted to put my affection towards her into something positive and I wanted to feel that dedication an artist puts into sketching (losing oneself completely into something). I kept her with me for about a month, she was on my wall and I used to talk to her everyday but after one month I gifted the sketch to my sister and she happily accepted it. Today, I burned her on my house’s roof and filmed the whole act. Right after it, I felt kind of relieved of the attraction I have towards her but now I am more attracted towards her as in now I don’t need a sketch of her to talk to, I can feel her closer to me and it makes me more alive, sometimes I can even hear her voice, she whispers in my ears. Destructing her sketch has led to the creation of intense fondness towards her. Burning her sketch has changed things. Things will never be the same…..

Watch the video below!